Arctic Peel

Arctic Peel

Effectively Exfoliate your Skin on a Deep Level

The “weekend” skin peel is a great way to freshen your appearance and improve your overall skin clarity and smoothness, reducing the appearance of fine lines. 

The arctic peel is designed to treat conditions associated with aging and an active lifestyle. Some patients undergo a series of two to four times over six to eight weeks to help with keratosis and hyperpigmentation, acne scarring and deeper wrinkles.

Three benefits of an Arctic Peel


Radiant complexion


Improve skin tone & texture


Increase skin hydration



Day 1

Day 7

Typical Appointment Length:

The procedure takes less than an hour.

When will I see results?

You will see improvements in just a few days with minimal downtime. The procedure takes less than an hour and your skin will resemble a sunburn immediately afterwards, with minor sloughing on the second or third day. Redness will begin to fade by the third day and can be easily covered by makeup. Total healing time is usually two to four days.

How long do results last?

A light peel can last between one and two months. A medium peel will last between two and six months, and a deep peel lasts forever.

What areas are treated?

Face – designed to treat aging and active lifestyles

See the Results:

How do you prepare for a laser peel?

To maximize the benefits of your treatment, you must prepare your skin beforehand.

  • Don’t exfoliate. Since a chemical peel is an in-depth exfoliation, it’s important that you don’t exfoliate for at least one week before your appointment. Check ingredients in your daily skin care products that may have an exfoliating effect. Using such products prior to your treatment could cause damage to your skin.
  • Refrain from using make-up. Take a break from wearing makeup for a few days before your treatment and let your skin detox! 
  • Avoid the sun. Avoid the sun as much as possible prior to your treatment, and if you are outside, make sure to wear a wide-brimmed hat and sunblock (at least SPF 40).
  • Stay hydrated. Drink lots of water. Your skin should be well-hydrated on the day of your chemical peel. Make sure you stop using any products that dry out your skin a few days prior to your appointment.

Where can I learn more?

  • To learn more, make an appointment with one of our providers.
  • Or, visit Sciton.
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