Laser Vein Therapy

Laser Vein Therapy

Beautiful skin with the power of light

You may not have control over whether or not you get varicose veins, but you can easily treat them when they occur.

Using infrared energy, our physicians can precisely treat visible vessels, broken capillaries, spider veins, vascular lesions and discolorations. Your treatment will be tailored to match your skin condition and desired result, while gently eliminating visible vascular structures from your skin’s surface.

There is little discomfort and healing depends upon your specific treatment area. There is virtually no downtime as you can resume moderate activity immediately. You may experience some redness that will resolve over time.

Three benefits of Laser Vein Therapy:


Reduce redness


Improve quality of



Typical Appointment Length:

While smaller veins may only take 15 minutes to be treated, larger veins may take up to an hour to be treated.

When will I see results?

The exact time frame is different for each person. It depends on your response to the laser and on how large your veins are. You may see improvement after one procedure, though typically our patients see the best results after three to six treatments.

What conditions can be treated?

• Telangiectasia
• Redness
• Spider Veins
• Facial Veins
• Broken Capillaries

How long do results last?

The results of sclerotherapy are permanent.

What areas are treated? 

All skin areas can be treated including the face, neck, chest and legs.

See the Results:

What to expect after treatment?

Your skin will have a pink to red color that will resolve over time. You will need to avoid direct sun exposure, or use a sunscreen of at least SPF 40 when outdoors.

Where can I learn more?
To learn more, make an appointment with one of our providers or visit Sciton.