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Upcoming Classes at Stellis Health

If someone will be attending with you, please add them to your registration so we don’t exceed our capacity.

Our classes are designed to help patients and community members be their best.

Our current classes include: 
• Advance Care Planning: Who Will Decide If You Can’t?
• Prenatal Education 

Buffalo Clinic
March 7 at 10:00 AM
Call Lisa at 763-684-3732

Monticello Clinic
April 2 at 5:00 PM
Call Carrie at 763-271-3816

Buffalo Clinic
May 13 at 10:00 AM
Call Lisa at 763-684-3732

If a sudden illness or injury left you unable to speak for yourself, who would you want to speak for you? What would you want them to know about your goals, values and preferences?
Advance care planning is a process that helps you:
  • Think about your healthcare goals, values and preferences.
  • Consider healthcare choices you may have to make in the future.
  • Talk about your choices with your doctor, your healthcare agent, and other loved ones.
  • Make a written plan for the future to create your advance directive.
It is important for every adult, no matter the age, to have a Health Care Directive so that your wishes are known if a time comes when you cannot speak for yourself. Join us in thought-provoking conversation to help make your preferences known. Learn vocabulary, reflect on your goals and values, choose a healthcare agent, explore goals for treatment, and take the first steps toward completing an advance directive.
Following the discussion you will have the opportunity to make an appointment with a certified facilitator who can help guide you through the process of completing an advance directive.
For class dates and to register, please
call our main line at 763-682-1313

If you have questions about the classes, please call our main clinic line and ask to speak to our OB Nursing staff: 763-682-1313

Prenatal Education

Designed to take the guesswork out of childbirth
As a part of your prenatal care package at Stellis Health, we provide two prenatal education sessions for you and your partner or support person to attend at key points during your pregnancy. The classes are available bi-monthly at our Monticello and Buffalo clinic locations at various times throughout the day. Please chose the class dates and locations that best fit your schedule and routine, regardless of the clinic location where you routinely see your provider. Classes are approximately one hour long.
It’s important for you to attend both classes during your pregnancy to ensure you feel well prepared for this exciting change in your life. By knowing what to expect during pregnancy and childbirth, your anxiety will be reduced and you’ll feel more in control.
Class 1
The first class takes place between 8 to 12 weeks gestation. This class will review healthy nutrition, exercise, baby’s growth and development, medications that are safe, warning signs, and much more. Class materials are available here:
Following the discussion you will have the opportunity to make an appointment with a certified facilitator who can help guide you through the process of completing an advance directive.
Class 2
The second class takes place between 24 to 28 weeks gestation. This class will discuss labor and how to prepare for childbirth, what to pack for the hospital, warning signs, birth planning, a hospital tour, and more. Please note hospital tours are tentative based on the Birth Center occupancy at class time.
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