Leg vein treatment
Vein Treatment
Relieve troubling leg symptoms
When to seek treatment for varicose veins
You may be bothered by the way varicose veins look. They’re often puffy, swollen, and ropey looking. They can appear as reddish-purple cords twisted beneath the skin on the calves, ankles, and upper legs.
Aside from these cosmetic concerns, varicose veins can cause unpleasant side effects such as:
• Aching
• Throbbing
• Cramping
• Swelling
• Leg heaviness and fatigue
If you suffer from discomfort due to varicose veins, treatment can help you find relief. Treatment may also be recommended because clogs can occur in the veins, resulting in potentially dangerous blood clots.
3 reasons to seek the Venefit Treatment
What you can do to diminish and/or remove varicose veins?
Venefit is a minimally invasive procedure that uses ultrasound to position a catheter into the diseased vein to deliver radiofrequency energy to heat the vein wall, resulting in shrinkage and closure of the vein. Once the diseased vein is closed, blood is naturally re-routed by the body to other healthy veins.
Typical Appointment Length
The Venefit procedure itself takes about 45 minutes, but total time can be 2-3 hours including pre and post-op treatment procedures.
When will I see results?
Within one week patients may start to notice a difference in the prominence of their varicose veins, but complete results may take weeks to months. Venefit provides faster recovery and less pain and bruising than with vein stripping procedures. There is usually no scarring at all.
What areas are treated
The upper leg, calf and ankle are treated.
Chronic Venus Insufficiency (CVI)
Venefit Procedure
Right After
Several Weeks After
Technologist Alison Donnay performs an ultrasound on leg veins to treat varicose veins as well as leg heaviness, pain, swelling and fatigue at the Stellis Health Medical Skin Care Center
What can I expect during the procedure?
The Venefit procedure takes approximately 45-60 minutes, although patients may spend 2-3 hours at the medical facility due to normal pre- and post-treatment procedures.
Most patients report feeling little if any pain during the Venefit procedure. You will receive a local or regional anesthetic to numb the treatment area.
The Venefit procedure can be performed under local, regional or general anesthesia. It is generally performed using local anesthesia.
What does follow-up care look like?
Do not drive yourself home. Bed rest is not necessary and there is no need for crutches or a cane. You are encouraged to get back to your regular activities as soon as possible; people typically return to work in two to three days. Driving is permitted after 24 hours, as long as you are not taking heavy pain medication.
Pain medication is usually only needed for a day or two after surgery. A feeling of fullness, bruising, or soreness over the treated area is typical; sharp pain is uncommon. A feeling of tightness in the inner thigh, sometimes described as a “rubber band sensation,” is common in the weeks or months following the procedure due to scar tissue forming around the treated vein. This is a normal part of the healing process.
Gentle massage and stretching are encouraged. Many patients find it helpful to rub arnica cream into the area. Most people resume normal activities within one to two days.
Where could I learn more?
Contact Stellis Health to talk with a Venefit specialist and set up an appointment today.
Leg vein treatment
Healthy leg veins contain valves that open and close to assist the return of blood back to the heart. Venous reflux disease develops when the valves become damaged or diseased leading to varicose veins, pain, swelling, leg heaviness or fatigue.
The Venefit procedure uses ultrasound to position a catheter into the diseased vein to deliver heat to the vein wall, resulting in shrinkage and closure of the vein. Once the diseased vein is closed, blood is re-routed to other healthy veins. Most patients resume normal activities within one to two days.
varicose veins
chronic venus insufficiency (CVI)
venefit procedure
Technologist Alison Donnay performs an ultrasound on leg veins to treat
varicose veins as well as leg heaviness, pain, swelling and fatigue at the
Medical Skin Care Center